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Thursday, 26 March 2009

Best Pets Duo: Cjosiehdd's fighting fish

Topic: Best Pets
This week's Best Pets Duo comes to us from Gamesviller Cjosiehdd of Columbia, SC. Meet her fighting fish!

Distinguishing Personality Traits

Cjosiehdd says, "This is Scrap Daddy and Flashman, our fighting fish. Although they are suppose to be fighters, they are buddies as well. They are eager to get each others attention in their divided tank by blowing bubbles and ambushing each other from behind plants and rocks. Both fish are very aware of people and activity outside the tank. Hubby and I call them our dogs in a tank!"

Want to share photos of your own favorite pet with the Gamesville community?

Send photos to:

In addition to your pet's picture, please be sure to include:

  • Your Gamesville member name
  • Your pet's most distinguishing personality trait

If we publish your pet as a "Best Pet," we'll give you 5,000 GV Rewards. Submit your pet today!

Posted by ohryankelley at 4:56 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 March 2009 5:52 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Winner Interview: Thunderbirdlady

Topic: Members

Gamesviller Thunderbirdlady of Menifee, CA, recently won our MAX JACKPOT of $4,999 while playing Magic 21.

What was her moment of victory like? Find out below...

Gamesville: Congratulations! What was it like when you realized you won?
I wasn't sure if it said "Jackpot!" then I realized it did! I was so shocked and couldn't believe I won! I was on the phone talking to my mom at the time and she thought I was having a heart attack or something. My boyfriend was sitting on the couch and he thought I was kidding at first, then he realized I was shaking so bad and freaking out that it was true! It was awesome! All my friends in the chat room were typing "Was that you t-bird?" and I was having a hard time typing back to them.

What will you spend your winnings on?
I am going to fix my Thunderbird! I have been without my car for over a year now, so this win came at the best time.

What do you do for a living?
I am self-employed cleaning houses for the elderly in my town.

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?
I think I would be a tiger, they are beautiful and sleek.

What is your most treasured possession and why?
My grandmother's wedding band, it has a special place in my heart.

What does your Gamesville member name mean?
Of course it is for my car, a 95 Ford Thunderbird.

What game would you like to see Gamesville make next?
More of the extra games at intermission!

Thanks, Thunderbirdlady - and congratulations again on your win!

Posted by ohryankelley at 5:22 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 March 2009 5:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 24 March 2009

From The GV Spam Bag: Email From John Walker

Topic: Spam Bag

From time to time we get a lot of weird requests and spam mail in the GV Members Inbox. We decided the best way to deal with all the spammers isn't to just "Send To Trash" but to share in the fun of openly mocking them with you, the GV community! Today we got one heck of a business proposal: 


Dear Sir,

My Name is John Walker , i have a business proposal
for you , Find Attached my proposal letter.

Read and get back to me soonest.

i will be happy to hear from you

Thank you
John Walker



Thanks very much for reaching out to us! Although your proposal seems tempting we're really not sure what we're getting ourselves into here. It may have helped your pitch if you had actaully attached a proposal. Send us some details and we'll be happy to get back to you "soonest".


- Oh! Ryan Kelley
Gamesville Community Manager

Have some funny spam mail? Share it with the Gamesville community!

Forward terrible spam messages to:

In addition to your spammed message, please be sure to include:

  • Your Gamesville member name
  • Your response to the spammer

If we publish your mail in our "GV Spam Bag" we'll give you 5,000 GV Rewards. Submit your spam today!

Posted by ohryankelley at 8:46 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 March 2009 5:26 PM EDT
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Monday, 23 March 2009

Halfpint23 Wins $1,212 While Playing Three-Eyed Bingo

Topic: Members

Congratulations to Gamesviller Halfpint23 of Maryville, TN, who hit the jackpot Friday while playing Three-Eyed Bingo and took home $1,212 in cold hard cash!

Useless Facts!

The Great Smoky MountainsHalfpint23's hometown of Maryville, TN, sits at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, a mountain range rising along the Tennessee-North Carolina border. In the early 1900's the US government purchased huge tracts of land from loggers and thousands of small farms to commission the area as a National Park. Finally in 1934 the area was declared as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park with President Franklin D. Roosevelt presiding over the opening ceremony.

Posted by ohryankelley at 5:59 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 14 April 2009 3:33 PM EDT
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Friday, 20 March 2009

Animals In Convincing Wigs

Topic: Weird Wire™
Animals in convincing wigs
Animals in convincing wigs

We're not really sure what compels people to dress up their pets, but frankly we love it! Check out VH1's Best Week Ever post on 50 Animals in Convincing Wigs

Posted by ohryankelley at 3:47 PM EDT
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Happy First Day of Spring

Topic: Holiday Flare
Animals in convincing wigs
Happy first day of Spring, Gamesvillers!

Time to start packing up those big winter jackets because hibernation is over! Spring officially ushers in the warmer weather and symbolizes the earth coming to life again. To get you in the Spring spirit, check out's post on springtime crafts, games, and other activities.

Posted by ohryankelley at 11:50 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 March 2009 11:56 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 March 2009

Baseballrocks Wins $393 While Playing CatchUp CoverAll

Congratulations to Gamesviller Baseballrocks of Lorain, OH, who hit the jackpot TODAY while playing CatchUp CoverAll and took home $393 in cold hard cash!

Useless Facts!

On November 9th, 1968 Baseballrocks's hometown of Lorain, OH, had a large visitor stoll through (at least that's what the locals will tell you). On that day, Mr. & Mrs. Cataldo of Lorain reported seeing a 6-ft  600-lb Bigfoot looking through their bedroom window, then running away on 2 legs. For more sightings of North America's most illusive, furry stranger check out Bigfoot: Fact or Fantasy?

Posted by ohryankelley at 5:46 PM EDT
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Best Pet: Smir34's Smir

Topic: Best Pets
Smir34's pet SmirThis week's Best Pet comes to us from Gamesviller Smir34 of Ontario, Canada. Meet the inspiration for her GV member name, her cat Smir!

Distinguishing Personality Traits

Smir34 says, "Smir is our 4-year-old we got from the Humane Society when he was 6-months-old. His days at the shelter were running out and we were delighted to take him into our home. He`s a very cuddly cat but can get in trouble at times when left alone. He opens the bottom drawer of my dresser to sleep in every night, I guess because he feels closer to me that way. We love him dearly and are so glad we got him!"

Want to share photos of your own favorite pet with the Gamesville community?

Send photos to:

In addition to your pet's picture, please be sure to include:

  • Your Gamesville member name
  • Your pet's most distinguishing personality trait

If we publish your pet as a "Best Pet," we'll give you 5,000 GV Rewards. Submit your pet today!

Posted by ohryankelley at 4:30 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Winner Interview: Djh069

Topic: Members

Gamesville profile for Djh069Gamesviller Djh069 of Butler, PA, recently won $3,449 while playing Magic 21.

What was her moment of victory like? What will she be spending her big winnings on? Find out below...

Gamesville: Congratulations! What was it like when you realized you won?
When I first realized I won I couldn't believe it! I thought it would end up being some kind of scam, not to mention my husband thought I was crazy if I believed it. My husband was at work, so I shared my win with friends in chat. I still can't believe I won!

What will you spend your winnings on?
I plan on visiting my son who lives in California with the money. Now I can book plane tickets!

What do you do for a living?
I work as an agent and office staffer for an insurance company. I love dealing with the public but it does get very stressful sometimes.

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?
I would be a Jaguar. They are so sleek and fast, not to mention beautiful.

What does your Gamesville member name mean?
My member name is my initials along with an easy number combo that I remember from my first Golden Retriever.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I always love the insightful quotes at Gamesville and want to thank you for just a great place to play and pass time.

Thanks, Djh069 - and congratulations again on your win!

Posted by ohryankelley at 3:44 PM EDT
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Chat: Slow Dancing With Strangers

Topic: Chat Abuse

A friendly reminder from your friends at Gamesville...

Chat in games is a wonderful thing--a way to connect with others, share stories, have fun, and make new friends.

But you need to remember to use caution because chat is, essentially, slow dancing with strangers--some of whom you can probably trust, some of whom you probably can't.

As I've said before, imagine this scenario: If someone spent a week in a chat room and copied down everything you said in chat, how much would they know about you? Would they know...

  • Your telephone number?
  • Your email address?
  • Your street address?
The fact is, anything you type in a chat room can be seen (and shared) by whoever is in that chat room with you--so you must pay careful attention to what you type and never give out vital personal information.

If you feel that your real-life identity has been compromised and that someone is using your personal information illegally, please consult the FTC's ID Theft: Facts for Consumers or contact your local police department for more information.

Remember: It is absolutely essential that everyone use good judgment in chat--in any chat room, on any website. Have fun and socialize, but always err on the side of caution and common sense.

Chris Cummings

Image source: Gimetzco (Flickr)


Posted by Chris Cummings at 10:11 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 March 2009 11:56 AM EDT
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