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Wednesday, 11 March 2009

From GV HQ: Retro GV Bingo Card

Topic: GV HQ

 Gamesville retro branded bingo card
Retro Gamesville branded bingo card

While moving around some boxes here at GV HQ when the team rediscovered this gem from Gamesville past, our giant retro bingo card! The card stands about eight feet tall and has now taken its rightful place back in Chris Cummings' office. Check out more from GV HQ at our newly redesigned Gamesville Facebook Page.

Posted by ohryankelley at 5:40 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 March 2009 9:18 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Winner Interview: Lahotsauce

Topic: Members

Gamesville profile for LahotsauceGamesviller Lahotsauce of Lake Charles, LA, recently won $2,718 while playing Three-Eyed Bingo, and took a few minutes out of her schedule to talk with us about her big win.

What was her moment of victory like? What will she be spending her big winnings on? Find out below...

Gamesville: Congratulations! What was it like when you realized you won?
It was so unbelievable! I thought for sure I had made a mistake. I was home alone and screaming 'BINGO! BINGO!' I had to get on the phone and call my hubby right away. Of course he thought I was playing a joke on him because he didn't believe I would ever win anything.

What will you spend your winnings on?
Bills and lots of them. I also love to spoil the grandkids when I can, so maybe something special for them.

What do you do for a living?
I work part-time as a driver transporting patients to the doctor. I enjoy helping others.

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?
I would be a eagle so I could sit high on top of a mountain and enjoy the view.

What do you treasure most in the world?
My family, they mean everything to me.

What does your Gamesville member name mean?
If you have ever eaten Louisianan food then you must try the hot sauce, it's the best.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I have only been a member since last year and enjoy the games, they are so addicting! Thanks Gamesville for making this a fun and friendly place to play and win!! Good luck all and keep smiling! Winning does happen!

Thanks, Lahotsauce - and congratulations again on your win!

Posted by ohryankelley at 1:10 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 2:28 PM EDT
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Monday, 9 March 2009

Tandumqueen Wins $1,866 While Playing Three-Eyed-Bingo

Topic: Members

Congratulations to Gamesviller Tandumqueen of Brush, CO, who hit the jackpot TODAY while playing Three-Eyed Bingo and took home $1,866 in cold hard cash!

Useless Facts!

Tandumqueen's hometown of Brush, CO, runs two staple community activities during the early fall months, the first of which is the city's annual Brush Balloon Bash, a hot-air balloon event held during the last week of September. The second is the city's annual Oktoberfest celebration, which features a car show, authentic beer garden, arts and crafts street bazaar, and great family entertainment.

Posted by ohryankelley at 3:49 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 9 March 2009 3:51 PM EDT
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Friday, 6 March 2009

Handcrafted: The Price is Right

Topic: Weird Wire™
The Price Is Right Embroidery
Sarah Horton's The Price Is Right embroidery

Sarah Horton of TotallySevere sure does some amazing work. She recently created this embroidered piece of her favorite game show, The Price Is Right, for a gallery show in New York City.

We at GV HQ all agree that her recreation of Drew's reaction is pretty spot on, but we'd all love to see her do a Plinko version. Check out the rest of her handcrafted and design work at TotallySevere.


Posted by ohryankelley at 10:43 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 6 March 2009 12:13 PM EST
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Thursday, 5 March 2009

Earn FREE GV's on Twitter!

Topic: New Features

We're tweeting! Are you?

Gamesville on twitter!

Twitter is a free service for staying connected in real-time, where people update "what they're doing" in a few sentences or less. The GV team has been using twitter in a lot of fun ways to connect with Gamesvillers and the outside web, and today we're announcing a special offer just for GV members who are tweeting as well!

Earn 1,000 GV Rewards by connecting with us on twitter!

Introducing... a fun, easy way to earn 1,000 BONUS GV Rewards!

All you need to do is:

1) Follow @Gamesville on Twitter
2) Send us a message using your Twitter account that says: "@Gamesville [insert your Gamesville member name] I want my free GVs!"

That’s it! Be sure to replace “[insert your Gamesville member name]” with your actual Gamesville member name so we know where to credit your bonus GV Rewards.

Questions About Twitter?

If you aren't using Twitter yet, check out this quick tutorial video we previously posted on how fun (and addictive) the service can be.

And if you're already on Twitter we'd love to connect with you, so follow @Gamesville on Twitter and sends us an @ reply to let us know you're tweeting!

Posted by ohryankelley at 4:32 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 March 2009 4:32 PM EST
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Best Pet: MsMithra's Pal Spot

Topic: Best Pets
Gamesville Best Pet: MsMithra's SpotThis week's Best Pet comes to us from Gamesviller MsMithra of Moline, IL. Meet her pal Spot!

Distinguishing Personality Traits

MsMithra says, "Spot is our five-year-old mixed breed we received from my mother three years ago. When we first got him he was a overly hyper active puppy who would bark at gray fire hydrants, black purses, men, and his own reflection in the oven door. We knew we'd certainly have a handful. When we brought him home he chewed up all our belongings, knocked over everything with his non-stop wagging tail and 'marked his territory' all over the house. With two months of patience and training, he calmed down. My daughter was born a year and a half ago and he is very protective of her. Today, if one of us walks in the door, he jumps on us and barks to get us to sit on the sofa so he can lay in our laps for the rest of the day. He plays with my daughter and lays down with her for naps. He is the best dog we have ever had."

Want to share photos of your own favorite pet with the Gamesville community?

Send photos to:

In addition to your pet's picture, please be sure to include:

  • Your Gamesville member name
  • Your pet's most distinguishing personality trait

If we publish your pet as a "Best Pet," we'll give you 5,000 GV Rewards. Submit your pet today!

Posted by ohryankelley at 2:49 PM EST
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Gramann4392 Wins $496 While Playing CatchUp CoverAll!

Topic: Members
Gamesville Profile for CatchUp CoverAll Winner Gramann4392
 Gramann4392 won $496 playing CatchUp CoverAll

Congratulations to Gamesviller Gramann4392 of Saint Marys, PA, who hit the jackpot yesterday while playing CatchUp CoverAll and took home $496 in cold hard cash!

And not only did Gramann4392 stike it rich in CatchUp CoverAll, yesterday we also had our first $25 Target Gift Card winner! Congratulations to Mattesonbrook of Brookfield, MA, who won a free $25 Target Gift Card as part of our NEW daily sweepstakes!

Posted by ohryankelley at 11:27 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 March 2009 1:01 PM EST
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Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Introducing Our New $25 Daily Sweepstakes!

Topic: New Features
New Daily Sweepstakes!
NEW $25 Target Gift Card daily sweepstakes!
Each day, Gamesville will award one $25 Target Gift Card to one randomly selected winner from all Daily Prize sweepstakes entries received. Exchange your GV Rewards for entries into our NEW $25 Target Gift Card daily sweepstakes today!

Posted by ohryankelley at 2:31 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 4 March 2009 2:34 PM EST
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Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Guymhayes Wins $1,461 Playing Three-Eyed Bingo!

Topic: Members
Congratulations to Gamesviller Guymhayes of Splendora, TX, who hit the jackpot Sunday while playing Three-Eyed Bingo and took home $1,461 in cold hard cash!

Useless Fact!

Guymhayes' hometown of Splendora, TX, was originally known as Cox's Switch in the late 1800s. The town was named in honor of Charles Cox, who was instrumental in getting the Houston, East and West Texas Railway to extend a narrow-gauge railroad there. The name was changed to Splendora in 1896, when Cox asked the first postmaster, M. S. King, to rename the town. He chose Splendora because of the "Splendor of its floral environment."

Fact courtesy of Texas State Historical Association. Find out more about Splendora, TX...

Posted by ohryankelley at 11:38 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 March 2009 2:04 PM EST
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Friday, 27 February 2009

As Seen By The GV Team: Crazy Toy Car

Topic: Weird Wire™

A car we spotted covered in toys.

From the "What Were They Thinking!?" Department:

A coworker spotted this "toy car" while out to lunch one day this week. Makes you wonder where the owner got all these fantastic toys and how much time did this take? And what will the repair bill look like if the driver ever peels these things off?

See all three of the the full size images on the Gamesville Facebook Page...

Posted by ohryankelley at 1:45 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 27 February 2009 3:56 PM EST
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