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Tuesday, 17 March 2009

From The GV Spam Bag: A Proposition

Topic: Spam Bag

Aside from the awesome submissions from our members, from time to time we get a lot of weird requests and spam mail in the GV Members Inbox. We decided the best way to deal with all the spammers isn't to just "Send To Trash" but to share in the fun of openly mocking them with you, the GV community! This piece came to us last week from a family lawyer and looked like a deal we just couldn't pass up: 



My name is Larry Thomson, A "family lawyer" to Mr. Andreas Schranner, i have a proposition for us to share three million dollars.Your share would be one miilion two hundred thousand, while i would keep the balance amount. If you are intrested, get back to me and i would give you details.

Larry Thomson



We're usually very leery of these types of deals, but you know, I've got a hunch you're an honest guy! We really appreciate the thought and would love your money so we can spread the wealth with our GV members. Unfortunately there are some legal barriers to us taking your cash and our own lawyers frown on deals with other lawyers who use terrible spelling and improper punctuation. Feel free to send the check regardless, $1.2 million can go a long way!


- Oh! Ryan Kelley
Gamesville Community Manager

PS: Is this Andreas Schranner the same Andreas Schranner who died 9 years ago? If it's taking this long to settle the estate, and this is the approach they're taking--then, no offense, but I think the family should consider new representation.

Have some funny spam mail? Share it with the Gamesville community!

Forward terrible spam messages to:

In addition to your spammed message, please be sure to include:

  • Your Gamesville member name
  • Your response to the spammer

If we publish your mail in our "GV Spam Bag" we'll give you 5,000 GV Rewards. Submit your spam today!

Posted by ohryankelley at 5:13 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 March 2009 5:49 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 March 2009 - 12:25 PM EDT

Gamesville member name: bwytchingu44
- - - - -

I got that very same email , of course using my family name instead , if it were not for a program I saw on 20/20 I would have never known it was a scam .

                                     Thank you


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